Absolutely outraged at the news that the military has staged a coup in Myanmar.

 I was so proud to address a crowd of hundreds at Martin Place, Sydney today. We stand with the people of Burma to call for an end to military dictatorship, respect for the rule of law and the will of the people.

Six years ago we shut down the Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma because we thought the transition to democracy had been won. But with a military coup underway this week, the movement is back.
As a first step, the international community needs to apply targeted sanctions against the military leaders, ranking officials, family tmembers and related cronies.
These targeted military sanctions must include imposing visa travel bans, freezing of their financial assets, withdrawal of scholarships and education visas, as well as cutting all ties with any of the military related companies as well as cutting military cooperation ties with the Myanmar military.

Absolutely outraged at the news that the military has staged a coup in Myanmar.
This must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Australia should assist in leading a regional response and demand a return to democracy.

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