Yes brother///OR A CUP OF TEA

Yes brother

This child, his name is Bridger, is 6 years old, he saved his little sister from a fierce dog, where he defended it, and in exchange he confronted all the dog's bites, and the surgeon stitched 90 stitches on his face, causing him severe damage, to hold his sister's hand and take it to safety and then He said in a statement with one of the channels: "If someone is going to die, then I must be me!" ❤

Image may contain: one or more people, mountain, fire, outdoor and nature

For a cup of tea, In the wild and free. What wouldn't I give? Even civilization leave! Out there in the cold, With my spirit bold, Building a cosy fire, Having a cup of desire. The chill stream below, The clouds hanging low, Up on this cliff steep, With passion true and deep. Little away from home. Letting the soul roam. Nature's aroma embrace. Experience sublime grace. It is a special tea. Aroma of nature's glee. The cup wooden and rough; The kettle weary yet tough. It's a cup of divine flavour. For an eternity I can savour. A fragrance Gods inhale; A sip with an endearing tale. Dark, sweet exhilaration. Beloved intoxication. Just a cup of tea. Sets my soul free.

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