Waking up every morning, instead of rushing to start our day,

" Waking up every morning, instead of rushing to start our day, we can welcome the beautiful sights and sounds that our eyes and ears have to offer. Can you see the beautiful white clouds and blue sky? Or the dark sky gently telling you to enjoy the scenic sunrise that it is about to present? Do you notice every cell of your body blooming like flowers as you feel the warm embrace of the sunlight? How about the music that your ears and the birds are playing together?
This insightful practice only takes a few minutes and can be boosted with deep conscious breathing. It will help us to recognise that there is already an abundance of conditions for our happiness and if we always start our day in such a calm and mindful manner, happiness will become a habit. Isn't it a wonderful thing to be happy without desire? When we realise that we have the capacity to be happy, it will give our minds the space and clarity to focus on our priorities...."

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