"One day, A angry man approached Gautama Buddha and started shouting at him.

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"One day, A angry man approached Gautama Buddha and started shouting at him. Gautama Buddha just stood there and never got angry. The man was shocked. Gautama Buddha then asked the man this question, ‘If you bought a present for someone but they didn’t accept it, who does the present belong to?’ the man replied, ‘it belongs to me of course.’ Gautama Buddha then said, ‘It is the same with anger. If I do not accept it, the anger stays with you.’ It is the same with any negativity. We should not accept everything people try to dump on us. If someone is trying to tell us that we are not good at our job or any other positions, but we know we are, then don’t accept it. We should Tell ourselves that this is just their opinion and it is not our experience. If we do not accept what is being offered, we will not take on other people’s negativity. So, be positive. Maintain positive mental attitude in order to overcome all worries, stress and difficulties. Then, you will find the peace and happiness within you....!May the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha bless you, all family members, dhamma friends and every being to have good health, peace, ease, comfort, success and happiness by being free from all sicknesses, stress, worries, difficulties, problems, bad luck, bad fortune, pain and sufferings.....! May all of you be protected by the Blessings of the Buddha....!

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