Classic study of Murdoch method: For Victoria, Andrews is blamed personally

Classic study of Murdoch method: For Victoria, Andrews is blamed personally on front page for officials mistakes. For Ruby Princess, no headline re Gladys or Dutton. Delegitimise Labor leaders; but a protection racket for Libs.


The NewsCorp formula for fmr PMs: Shut up about Murdoch's abuses of power and you'll be rewarded with positive puff like Gillard and Abbott. Speak out, like Turnbull and me, and they come after you with a rolling campaign of delegitimisation. Sorry Rupert, still not interested.

A sober reflection on the long-term health effect of catching Covid-19. It nails the “let her rip” school of thinking who argue that a 1% mortality rate is just fine. And to think there were idiots playing around with “herd immunity” only a few months ago.

My remarks to a Peking University forum on the future US-China relationship. I argued the US, Western and Asian democracies cannot accept Hong Kong's National Security Law on the grounds of Chinese national sovereignty. The reaction will only intensify.

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